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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly. By

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly. By

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly. By

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Easy to customize it, from your blogger dashboard, not needed to know the codes etc. Video tutorial is available, also a support forum which will help to install template correctly. By

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Just browsing YouTube and I came across with the JAMICHTV and captured my heart with the soundtrack. So I browse for the song and downloaded it.

It's really a nice feeling when you are in love. Knowing the fact that your partner do the same for you. I still remember the old days and keeps me smiling about it. The feeling that there was this someone who cared so bad for you. Who loved you unconditionally. Who cried with you during your downs in life. Who laughed with you with your not so funny pick up lines. Who waited for you. Who believed in you. Who loved you for what you are.


It’s almost 2 months and my clearance is still pending. I don’t know what happened to my application. I applied last March 30, 2012 and up to now nothing happened. Whose fault is this? Is the NBI Baguio City or Manila? 

Last Friday, I called NBI Baguio and they said that it’s still pending. They said that there was a problem on the main branch (MANILA). It’s acceptable but in my case? What the heck! It’s almost two months. They (BAGUIO CITY) even told me to call back on Monday. For God sake, I’m wasting too much on this clearance and it merely affects my employment. They don’t even give me a certification that I’ve applied for the clearance just to prove to my employer. Do they think of that? NO!!!

Now, I’m thinking to re-apply but it’s a waste of money on my part thinking it would be processed on time. I badly need it but the agency (NBI) doesn’t do on this. Is there any agency to ask assistance on this?

NBI BAGUIO AND MANILA: are you sleeping? Come on! Wake up! You’re such a waste of time. Do your part people. I don’t act this way if both of you do your part. I paid for 115. I even sometimes question you because some or those persons who were hit after me get their clearance. What’s wrong with my application? Do you really follow up on my application? Give me a break! That’s bias and unprofessional.

I hope this would be the last blog that I’m writing about you guys. I hope next week, I’m holding then my clearance. DO YOUR PART!

American Idol Top 3: Jessica, Joshua, Philip

Just now, the result of the TOP 3 on American Idol was released. I’m glad with the result because people really vote for the best performers.

PHILLIP, JESSICA and JOSHUA made it to top 3. HOLLIE finally leaved the stage to stardom on American Idol.

Yesterdays performances, for me Jessica topped among them. Next are Joshua then Philip and Hollie. Every one of them did their part to get the attention of the viewers.

Jessica’s performance yesterday was astonishing. She really did prove that she was versatile and a fighter. My prediction for Jessica is either she will get the title or end as second but I’m crossing my fingers that she will get the highest votes when time comes. Randy even said that,““YOU ARE PHENOMENAL. ANOTHER GREAT PERFORMANCE”.

Philip’s performance was good but not better. His first performance was a little bit edgy but his second performance balanced the whole performance. My prediction to Philip is that he will get it up to the finals. America loves him because of his physical attribute that soon makes him a star.

Joshua’s performance was as the same as his past performances. I don’t really see the improvement on him. Different songs but he attacked it the same. I don’t think he can make it up to the finals.

Hollie’s performance was not good. I agree with Jimmy and the rest of the judges. On my part, she really improved better compared to her previous performances but it’s not enough to get her to the finals. She stayed at the competition because America keeps on voting her just to stay. Singing ability? There were better than her compared to the evicted Idols like DeAndre.

I’m waiting for the finals and hope Jessica will be there. If that happens, another pride for Filipinos and Mexicans.

Watch the American Idol Season 11 Finale on May 23 (performance night) and May 24 (result night) on ETC.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thrilla in NAIA

Last Monday was not a good day to both Ramon Tulfo and Claudine Barreto. But who among them made the initial action. Both parties already told their sides but to whom your sympathy is? Is it for Claudine who were kicked twice or for Ramon Tulfo?

This is my side about the issue. If I were on the shoes of Claudine, of course I will get mad as well. Knowing the fact that the Cebu Pacific management transferred her luggage without prior notice to the owner. Just like what happened, one of their companies is suffering from asthma (the child) and the medicines is on the luggage. My initial reaction will get mad. But what Claudines' didn't thought that time was that she is a celebrity and everything she do has an impact to her being a celebrity.

To the side of Ramon Tulfo, what I can say is that, not all the time you will be excused of such because you're a journalist. There are places that needs privacy. In the first place it's his fault.

What's your idea about this one?


I just watched and heard this music video yesterday and I found it to be okay. It's really a hot problem. This a sneak peak of the cover from Adam Stanton. Hope you like it guys.