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Sunday, May 6, 2012

NBI Baguio City: WAKE UP!

NBI Baguio City Office

It's already a month since I applied for my NBI clearance but still there's no action on my pending clearance. I've been there for three times and same dialogue that I heard everytime I'm at the office.

March 30, 2012. That was the date when I applied for my clearance. One of the employees told me that my clearance was hit so I have to come back after 15 working days. After 15 working days, I went to the office to claim my clearance. Unfortunately, the employee at the releasing of clearance told me that I have no picture and even finger prints. How come? There was a procedure to follow before they told me to come back after 15 working days. I was shock by that because it was already computerized but still the process is so slow. So I went to the Biometric area to take a picture and my finger prints. The employee at the releasing area told me to come back after 10 days, including Saturday and Sunday), or Friday.

Here comes Friday dated April 27, 2012 but, again, the employee at the releasing told me to come back on Wednesday. It's a waste of time, money and the same time effort on my part.

Here comes Wednesday dated May 2, 2012. I'm so excited because at last I will be receiving my clearance. At the office, they input my OR number and same thing again. I have to come back again?!?!?!? What the heck is that? Are they working on their designed task or not? The employee at the releasing area gave me a number of the NBI and advised me to call them to know whether my clearance is ready or not?! Is it my duty to ask for them? IS IT? What kind of an administration is that? They don't even said SORRY. What the heck is that again? It's a good thing that I'm professional enough to understand their lacking but that is too much!

Do you know where to forward this message? Thank You and more power.

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